Eastwest Somatics Network Conferences
& Writing & Reading Roundtable
Update to below: Proposals by Jan 13, Register early by Jan 18

Previous Conferences

Archive of selected past conferences below
Performing Nature: Color Country Conference
May 15th, 2023. 10 AM to 5 PM,
In-Person and on Zoom.
Workshop May 16-19 in-Person Only.
Propose 20 min Papers, 40 min Workshops,
Short Performances
Proposals due by April 1, 2023
Send one paragraph description & a short bio.
Send to workshops@eastwestsomatics.com,
Kelly Ferris Lester: kferris.kfl@gmail.com,
& Sara Gallo: sarapfeiflegallo@gmail.com
Conference only registration, $95
Presenters, $75
Conference at Utath Tech University in St. George
Saint George or Las Vegas Airports
Inquire about recommended accommodations
Topics to consider
Somatics in Dance for Personal Development
Dance Improvisation and Human Development
Contemplative Dance
Decentering the Human
Place Dance Performances
Nature as a Bridge to Language
Dance, Somatics and Ethics
Ecology and Dance
Zion Winter Retreat Conference
Zion Lodge
January 3, 2023, In Person only
Propose 20 min Papers, 40 min Workshops, Short Performances
Proposals due by Nov 1, 2022
Send one paragraph description & a short bio.
Send to workshops@eastwestsomatics.com
& Kelly Ferris Lester: kferris.kfl@gmail.com
Welcome at 2 PM
Conference from 3 PM to 7 PM
Dinner at Zion Lodge or in Springdale
Daily Workshop begins on Jan. 4.
$96 Conference Only Registration
$86 Early Bird Registration by Nov. 16
Elmira Conference 2022
Oct 7, 2022
​Elmira is located in the beautiful Finger Lakes of Western NY
Conference on Trauma-informed Somatics
Other Themes Welcome
Call for Proposals
Propose 20 min Papers, 40 min Workshops, or Short Performances
Proposals due by Sept 1, 2022
Send one paragraph description & a short bio.
Send to workshops@eastwestsomatics.com
& Kelly Ferris Lester: kferris.kfl@gmail.com
Conference in-person and on Zoom
Conference Welcome, Link Movement Arts at 2 PM
Conference in-person and on Zoom EST 3 PM to 7 PM.
Conference Hosts: Kelly Ferris, Michelle Ikle, Amy Bush,
and Sondra Fraleigh
$96 Conference Only Registration
$86 Early Bird Registration by Sept 16
See Samples of Past Conferences Below
Color Country Retreat & Conference 22
UTU, Utah Technical University in St. George
May 16-20, 2022
Conference, May 16, in Person & Zoom
Mountain Standard Time: 1 PM - 6 PM
Conference Only Registration $65
Ecosomatics Theme
Propose 20 min Papers, 40 min Workshops
Proposals due by April 5.
Send one paragraph description & short bio
Send to workshops@eastwestsomatics.com
& Kelly Ferris Lester: kferris.kfl@gmail.com
$96 Conference Only Registration
$86 Early Bird Registration by Sept 16
Shin Somatics Moving Way
Conference 2021
Online from Elmira New York
Conference Oct 16
All Sessions Online, 9 AM - 2 PM, Mountain Standard Time
In Person in NY, 11 Am - 4 PM
In-Person/Online Conference on Somatic Practices in Nature
Annual Conference Oct. 16
Call for Presentations and Performances
Topics for papers and workshops, suggested but not limited to:
Why Dance in Somatic Studies
Performative Somatic Practices
Communicating with Nature
Teaching Anything Somatically
Dance Somatics for Personal Development
Dance Improvisation and Human Development
Contemplative Dance
Decentering the Human
Place Dance Performances
Nature as a Bridge to Language
Dance, Somatics and Ethics
Ecology and Dance
Dance, Somatics and Social Justice
Possible formats: Paper (20 minutes), Workshop (45 minutes), Somatically Inspired Concert Performances (10 minutes maximum). Send one-page proposals to Conference Programs Chair Kelly Ferris Lester: kferris.kfl@gmail.com, Amy Bush in Elmira, amy.shinsoma@gmail.com, and ESN Advisor Sondra Fraleigh workshops@eastwestsomatics.com. Send a brief description of your paper, workshop, or performance, and a short biography of no more than 200 words. One submission for paper or workshop, and one submission for performance. Submissions deadline: Sept 5, 2021. Notification of acceptance by September 12.
Contact Amy Bush for further information
Contact Sondra Fraleigh for general questions.
workshops@eastwestsomatics.com ​
$96, Conference Registration
$86, Conference with Early Bird
Early-Bird Discount for Conference and Workshop by Sept 16.
Hawaii Conference 2023
On Somatic Therapies,TBA
Conference Themes
Intuitive Dance, Somatic Yoga,
Shin Restore Bodywork
Hands-on Education & Thearpies
Somatic Practices in Nature
Possible formats: Paper (20 minutes), Workshop (45 minutes), Somatically Inspired Performances (10 minutes maximum). Send one-page proposals to Kelly Ferris Lester, kferris.kfl@gmail.com and ESN Advisor Sondra Fraleigh: workshops@eastwestsomatics.com. Send a brief description of your paper, workshop, or performance, and a short biography of no more than 200 words. One submission for paper or workshop, and one submission for performance. Submissions deadline: Oct 18, 2021. Notification of acceptance by or before Nov 1.
Contact Sondra Fraleigh for further information
workshops@eastwestsomatics.com ​
$96, Conference Registration
$86, Conference with Early Bird by Nov 8
$140 After Nov 8.
Writing Roundtable with Sondra
Want to improve your writing, get feedback on a project, learn about publishing, meet potential collaborators, become part of a community of thinking dancers and somatic educators? Through the Roundtable, you can share ideas for writing projects in process.
Sondra remembers how much she enjoyed mentoring writing and research projects when she was active as a professor, and she still gets requests. Thus, the Roundtable! As moderator and mentor, she will chair the meetings and give written critical feedback on all materials submitted. Her areas of expertise are phenomenology, research and writing in dance, somatic studies and practices, dance and theater, performing ecologies, philosophies of the body, and butoh.
Submit your project to Sondra Fraleigh, workshops@eastwestsomatics.com. She will organize the Roundtable of participants after the registration deposit and provide a link to the roundtable online. Roundtable is limited to 4 participants. A list of times will be provided for your choice. Sessions are from 40 to 60 minutes as follows:
2 participants, 3 sessions of 60 min or 4 sessions of 40 min.
3 or 4 participants, 4 or 5 sessions of 40 min.
Hopefully, we can schedule 3 or 4 sessions within a month. Sundays are preferred, as most people are free then. We will connect through Zoom, which can be downloaded free.
The Roundtable is for seminar discussion, and doesn't include close editorial processes. To prepare for discussions in advance, all participants will receive and read materials submitted: papers, book ideas, essays, theses, and other Roundtable projects. Sondra will provide written feedback and suggestions on all submissions, but doesn't edit them. She will also discuss keys to good writing, how essays differ from research, possible venues for publication, and give advice on preparing book outlines and summaries for potential publishers. Publication is not guaranteed, but one can learn best practices. To submit after the deposit, be sure to include your name at the top of your project with a copyright symbol next to it ©.
Registration is $$285, with a nonrefundable deposit of $35 to hold your place. Balance due two weeks in advance of meeting. Balance is refundable with cancellation by one week in advance, or can be transferred to another time.
*These instructions are subject to periodic review and may change somewhat as the Roundtable progresses.
Recently Completed conference
Zion 2019
Somatics in Phenomenology, Performance & Leadership
Winter Retreat: Workshop, Conference and Concert, December 14-18
Conference and Concerts 14 & 15, Preceding & Overlapping the Workshop
Call for Conference & Concert Proposals
Topics for papers and workshops, suggested but not limited to:
Why Phenomenology in Somatic Studies?
Kinds of Phenomenology
Performative Somatic Practices
Principles of Somatic Leadership
Leadership and Communication
How Teaching and Leadership Intersect
Teaching Somatically
Dance for Personal Development
Somatics and Professional Development
Improvisation and Human Development
Meditation in Personal Development
Dancing the Chakras in Yoga
Somatic Dance Performances
Dance and Meditation as a Bridge to Language
Conscious Use of Body and Voice in Leadership
Somatic Leadership Games in Child Development
Possible formats: Paper (20 minutes), Workshop (45 minutes), Informal Concert Performance (10 minutes maximum). Send one-page proposals to Conference Programs Chair Kelly Ferris Lester: kferris.kfl@gmail.com, ESN President Ashley Meeder ashley.meeder@gmail.com, and ESN Advisor Sondra Fraleigh, workshops@eastwestsomatics.com . Send a brief description of your paper, workshop, or performance, and a short biography of no more than 200 words. One submission for paper or workshop, and one submission for performance. Submissions deadline: Oct 22, 2019.
Performing Ecologies, two informal concerts as part of the conference.
Zion Tree in Winter dance performance by Eastwest Students and Graduates for Sondra Fraleigh's 80th birthday in 2019.
To receive participation information for Zion Tree in Winter, contact Catherine Schaeffer: Catherine.shinsoma@gmail.com
Early-Bird Registration with a deposit by Oct 10, 2019.
Conference without workshop is $165 (inquire about overnight stay
at Zion). Workshop tuition includes room for 4 nights, workshop & conference.
Registration information on Schedule Page. Inquire about shuttle information for
airplane arrival and departure through St. George or Las Vegas.
Past Conferences, samples below:
Lucky 7 Somatics Conference Zion 2017
Shin Somatics Workshop for Personal or Professional Development
Zion, Utah Dec 15-19
Conference 15-16, first 2 days of the workshop
17/17 Lucky Dance Improvisations/Canyon Explorations
Call for Conference Proposals
Topics for papers and workshops, suggested but not limited to:
Teaching Somatically
Improvisational Dance for Personal Development
Improvisation and Human Development
Meditation in Somatics
Teaching Dance Somatically
Dancing the Chakras in Yoga
Guiding Somatic Dance Performances
Interface of Language, Dance, and Somatics
Possible formats: Paper (20 minutes), Workshop (45 minutes), Informal Performance (10 minutes maximum). Send one-page proposals to Conference Programs Chair Kelly Ferris, Kelly.ferris@q.com, ESN President Ashley Meeder ashley.meeder@gmail.com, and ESN Advisor Sondra Fraleigh, workshops@eastwestsomatics.com. Send a brief description of your paper, workshop, or performance, and a short biography of no more than 200 words. One submission for paper or workshop, and one submission for performance. Submissions deadline: Oct 22, 2017.
Early-Bird Registration with a deposit by Oct 1, 2017. See Workshop page for details. Conference without workshop is $165. Workshop tuition includes room for 4 nights, workshop & conference. In Saint George, Inquire about home-stay at $45 a night.
Lucky Dance 17/17/77 improvisation for workshop participants
lead by Sondra Fraleigh.